Conference Program

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DAY 1: Friday, October 11th, 2024

8:30 -- 9:00 am Breakfast (Federal Room)
9:00 -- 9:15 am Opening remarks
Volodymyr Lugovskyy (Indiana University Bloomington) (Chair of the Department of Economics)
Daniela Puzzello (Indiana University Bloomington)
9:15 -- 10:15 am Keynote address 1: "Lifetime Memories of Inflation: Evidence from Surveys and the Lab"
Isabelle Salle (University of Ottawa)
10:15 -- 11:00 am "Households' Preferences Over Inflation and Monetary Policy Tradeoffs"
Damjan Pfajfar (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
11:00 -- 11:30 am Break 1 (State Room West)
11:30 -- 12:15 pm "How Do Households Respond to Expected Inflation? An Investigation of Transmission Mechanisms"
Janet Jiang (Bank of Canada)
12:15 -- 1:00 pm "Adaptive Behavior in the Lab"
Cars Hommes (Universiteit van Amsterdam and Bank of Canada)
1:00 -- 2:15 pm Lunch (Federal Room)
2:15 -- 3:00 pm "(Semi) Unstructured Bargaining with Costly Money Holdings"
Francisco Klapp (Universidad Adolfo IbaƱez)
3:00 -- 3:45 pm "An Experimental Evaluation of the Over-the-Counter Search Model"
Oleg Korenok (Virginia Commonwealth University)
3:45 -- 4:15 pm Break 2 (State Room West)
4:15 -- 5:00 pm "Earnings Shocks, Expectations, and Spending"
Eungik Lee (Indiana University Bloomington)
5:00 -- 5:45 pm "Currency Competition in Integrated Economies"
Cathy Zhang (Purdue University)
5:45 -- 6:45 pm Reception
7:00 pm Dinner (Invitation Only)

DAY 2: Saturday, October 12th, 2024

8:30 -- 9:15 am Breakfast (Federal Room)
9:15 -- 10:15 am Keynote address 2: "How to Discipline Financial Markets: Reputation is not Enough"
Gabriele Camera (Chapman University)
10:15 -- 11:00 am "First-Order and Higher-Order Inflation Expectations: Evidence about Households and Firms"
Pascal Kieren (Heidelberg University)
11:00 -- 11:30 am Break 1 (State Room West)
11:30 -- 12:15 pm "Price Formation in Multiple Simultaneous Continuous Double Auctions, with Implications for Asset Pricing"
Elena Asparouhova (University of Utah)
12:15 -- 1:00 pm "Tobin's Q, Liquidity, and Speculation in Laboratory Markets"
Daniel Harper (James Madison University)
1:00 -- 1:15 pm Dean Van Kooten's Remarks
1:15 -- 2:15 pm Lunch (Federal Room)
2:15 -- 3:15 pm "Keynote address 3: Optimal Macro Policies in a Heterogeneous World with Private Information"
James Bullard (Purdue University)
3:15 -- 4:00 pm "Measuring and Coordinating Subjective Mental Models of the Economy"
Ryan Rholes (University of Mississippi)
4:00 -- 4:45 pm Break 2 (State Room West)
4:45 -- 5:30 pm "Strategic Sophistication and Trading Profits: an Experiment with Professional Traders"
Marco Cipriani (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
5:30 -- 6:30 pm "Two-Sided Financial Technology Underadoption: Experimental Evidence from Jordan"
Hakan Ozyilmaz (Stanford University)
7:00 pm Dinner (Invitation Only)